Data is being displayed in URL format instead of plain text for specific columns when exporting report in report builder
Hello Community,
While exporting the report using report builder, the data in particular columns ( description, expected result) were coming as URL's instead of plain text. The issue is only observed when importing the data into excel using the link available in add to existing spreadsheet.
Steps to reproduce :
- Create a test case and go to Test cases in sections and create another test case.
- Open the test case and add Test script. Go to Manual steps in Sections and update description & expected result.
- Create a report in report builder /rs using LQE configuration
- Limit the scope with QM project area & Artifact type Test plan
- Relationships QM test plan - uses test case - QM test plan - Uses test script - QM test script - contains test script step - QM test script step
Condition - Attributes of QM test plan - ID is with test plan ID
- Format result - test Script step - add description & expected result
- Save & run report
Image were attached for reference.
Please let us know if you have any solution for the same. Thanks in advance.
siddu singh
Jan 08, 3:43 a.m.