RQM - Can we add a Hyperlink as in RTC work item template

In RTC, work item templates are used to create work items with hyperlinks which could guide the users towards any URL's for 'Guidelines' or 'What not to do', etc.
So, when ever a work item is opened, these links can be accessed at the 'Title' or in between 'DropDown' sections as a hyperlinks as well.
I am not allowed to add a snapshot - else i could have done that.
The question is:
Can we do the same in RQM 'Test Case' or other artifact template - Near the title.
Note: I am aware we can do it as part of 'Sections' - However i am probing more to understand if this could be done outside 'Sections'. (Probably near Title or Summary etc)
Accepted answer

The RQM artifact templates only define the sections to be included for the artifact. You can have two types of custom sections: Rich text & Grid to be a part of the template. However, the templates don't define fields for artifacts.
For what you are trying to accomplish, the closest is to create a 'custom attribute'. When a new custom attribute is created for an artifact type, a new field of the custom attribute type will be added to the 'Summary' section. There are currently four supported types: small text, large text, integer, and date/time. Text fields are plain text only and thus, you can only add the URL as a text but not a clickable link.
In short, there is really no way to modify the top area of the artifact editor UI.