Using $public and $projectAreaUUID on QM RPE reports
I am having issues using the environmental variables to choose a Test Plan to run a RPE report on. Would be a nice elegant solution and allow me to use the same report on different servers and project areas without changing the DTA template every time. I am using RPE 2.0.1 and Quality Manager 6.0.2.
I get the following error, just doesn't seem to work at all is there a way of enabling it?
Can't upload screenshot due to some childish IBM reputation point limitation
Anyway not important, upshot is that the variables are not resolved, the request URL I am trying is as follows: -
I followed the following article by Dragos Cojocari
Thanks for any help
One answer
Please try setting Metadata Configuration as follows:
Type: anyuri
Identifier: /feed/entry/id
Display: /feed/entry/title
Request URL: ${public}/service/${projectAreaUUID}/testplan
Note that the curly braces. When you generate report through RQM, you should see all the testplan listed on clicking Browse button. On choosing a specific testplan, corresponding testplan URL will be set as the data source URL.
In the link you mentioned, I have given details on metadata configuration for RTC. You can rather refer