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How to export DNG baseline compare results?

Bob 3 (1481967) | asked Jul 09 '18, 9:09 p.m.

Running DNG 6.0.5 iFix004. 

When I do a DNG baseline compare, how can I export the results? 
I need to be able to produce a document that details the comparison as shown in the DNG user interface for inclusion in my design history file. 


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Softacus AG (2013) | answered Jul 10 '18, 2:57 a.m.


this feature is not available in DNG, but you can open request for enhancement. 
Optionally you can use RPE to produce such comparison documents.
Here is the option we refer to:

We would be able to set it up for for you within 1-4 days depending on the automation level required.

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