Why is the image format unsupported and does not print in the output document for the RPE TCER Stats and Graphs?
I used and executed the available RQM-RRDG-TP-V35.dta RPE (v1.2.1.1) template created by Marc van Lint, on website - business.vanlint5.nl . I was able to configure the RPE template to produce a traceability report. In the RPE Launcher console in the >>>> Section: TCER Stats and Graphs portion, the template did not print the TCER stats and graph. I don’t understand why the TCER Stats and Graph won’t print on the output document. Can anyone assist me in determining why the output is unsupported? The following is provided from the RPE Launcher Console:
note: I changed the actual url to jkbankasexample....
>>>> Section: TCER Stats and Graphs
CRRPE3018I The data source configuration Test Plan Details is reconfiguring data source _Configurations.
CRRPE1064I Data source _Configurations using URL https://jkbankasexample:9443/
CRRPE3107I Downloading data from https://jkbankasexample:9443/
CRRPE3571I Finished reading input XML. 3 elements processed.
>>>> Calc Envionment and Time Lines
>>>> Environement 3.7.1_SQA1
>>>> Graph Envionment and Time Lines
>>>> results = ||
>>>> Numbers Envionment and Time Lines
CRRPE1064I Data source _Configurations using URL https://jkbankasexample:9443/
>>>> Section: Test Plan Test Bed
>>>> Section: Test Plan Test Conditions
>>>> Section: Test Plan Test Data
>>>> Section: Test Plan SW Env Details
>>>> Section: Test Plan Instruments and Test Equipment
>>>> Section: Test Plan Test Identification
>>>> Section: Test Plan Test Scope
>>>> Section: Test Plan Test Strategy
CRRPE3124U The resource http://chart.apis.google.com/
CRRPE3148E The image C:\Users\VHAISB~2\AppData\
One answer
Oke, this needs some real debugging... But step by step: The 3124E error shows the line with something like
You can copy/paste it into a browser. I don't see columns/lines. So I expect there is no data, in the chd... As the script also changes the scale automatically you could end up with:
You could test it by copy/paste the url into a browser. Second step would be to assign the URL to the IMG_GOOGLE_Url variable (hard coding - overwriting anything what is generated). Than I would try to print out the generated IMG_GOOGLE_Url. And see why things are as they are.
Make note that the script includes those TCERs which are applicable. When you have timelines and environments visible in the RQM Test Plan, it will only (!) take TCERs which have a timeline and a environment relation. Check out the filtering on TCERs.
I hope this helps a bit.