Multisite in CLM
Hello All,
We are currently using CLM 6.0.5 ifix02. its a distributed topology (applications deployed on 6 servers) but we are primarily using DNG and RTC. These servers are located in Europe however we have users located in North America and South East Asia accessing the same application.
Users in US are reporting that DNG and RTC are not as fast as it is for the users in Europe. We also used Performance Health Check widget and did notice that Round trip latency is quite high in North America in comparison to Europe. Due to this inherent latency, we are looking into possibilities of having multisite setup or something similar.
Has anyone else also encountered similar issue ? and how it was dealt ?
Vishnu Kumar
Vishnu Kumar
One answer
while there is information on Multisite comparison from as early as 2010:
the real clue to happiness here is to either cut your architecture / efforts in a way that projects can be set to mainly work on local servers or use http proxy caching and other http technology to cut down on your latency.
- Arne