DNG - Enable Global Configuration Management
I am usnig DNG 605
The instructions for enabling global configuration management (so that I can do linking between CM components) are here
They do not seem to be different to the instructions for enabling regular (non-global) configuration management (I do not have multiple JTS topology - I am just running the demo version on a local machine)).
I have already enabled and am successfully using CM in DNG (streams, components, change sets, change control etc.) but not GCM.
So I can use all the CM functionality but I cannot do cross-project links. (cross project links work OK if CM is not enabled)
If I try to navigate to the GCM project list I get an error
{"nestedError":{"nestedError":{"nestedError":{"errorClass":"java.lang.ThreadDeath","errorMessage":null,"errorCode":null},"errorClass":"java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError","errorMessage":"com.hp.hpl.jena.datatypes.TypeMapper (initialization failure)","errorCode":null},"errorClass":"com.ibm.websphere.servlet.error.ServletErrorReport","errorMessage":"java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.hp.hpl.jena.datatypes.TypeMapper &#40;initialization failure&#41;","errorCode":null},"errorClass":"java.lang.RuntimeException","errorMessage":"com.ibm.websphere.servlet.error.ServletErrorReport: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.hp.hpl.jena.datatypes.TypeMapper &#40;initialization failure&#41;","errorCode":500}</pre>
Is there some additional setting required on the GCM Admin Advanced Properties page?
The GC Admin page is the only bit of GCM I can access.
2 answers
The work to enable configuration management (at the application and project area level) is a subset of the work to enable global configuration management. The latter requires GCM, creation of a GCM project area, and then GCs having contributions from other applications (like DNG).
It sounds to me like your GCM deployment has an issue. You say you can access gc/admin, but presumably not gc/web. How did you "try to navigate to the GCM project list"? By navigating to gc/web? The error about missing class files could indicate something is missing or corrupt in the GCM installation. Check gc.log and your web container log for clues, but you may want to reach out to support directly.
You need to get to the point where GCM is registered to the JTS, you've created a GCM project area, and created a component and global configuration within that project area before you can proceed.
There may be an issue with your GC application deployment. Check gc.log. I would use this link for a workflow, https://jazz.net/help-dev/clm/topic/com.ibm.rational.gcapp.doc/topics/c_configs_workflow.html
If you cannot do what is in Step 2, then there is a problem.
2. In GCM, the configuration lead selects or creates a component on the Browse Components page.
The component represents physical or logical pieces of your system and provides context to help you define a “family” of configurations, including baselines.