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Why are artifacts deleted in DNG a week ago still included in recent JRS Reports?

Michael Laurendi (1051845) | asked Jun 26 '18, 8:19 a.m.

A week ago I deleted approximately 900 artifacts in DNG project as part of a cleanup. Last week I added 3 new artifacts. This week when I create JRS Reports the results still include the 900 artifacts (or a variety mix of the 900 depending on the query conditions). Very strange. Has anyone encountered a similar problem using JRS Report Builder?

I expected my JRS Reports to have at most 3 artifacts in the results!

I am using version 6.0.5.

4 answers

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Jackie Albert (1.6k14947) | answered Jun 26 '18, 8:52 a.m.

 Are you using the data warehouse, or LQE for your data source?

Michael Laurendi commented Jun 26 '18, 9:19 a.m. | edited Jun 26 '18, 9:20 a.m.

 Data warehouse is my data source. Our data warehouse and our ODS both run once per day.

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Chris Hardy (3327) | answered Apr 13 '21, 11:06 p.m.
I am also having this issue.
DNG version
Using Rational Data Warehouse

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Sean F (1.3k249160) | answered Apr 14 '21, 12:28 p.m.

I often have legacy data showing in the DW after multiple local sequential installs.

I have read that doing a Full Data Load in DCC is supposed to clear out reference to deleted data that still show in JRS although I have not tried it.


1. Go to https://<server>:<port>/dcc/
2. Change the load type for the resource group to Full and save.

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Shriraam Balasubramanian (4031339) | answered Apr 20 '21, 10:29 a.m.

 Do not use the Datawareouse as it takes some time to update your server.

Use LQE for almost live data incuding the changes/deletion/addtion of new requriements in the component.

Best regards,

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