JRS 6.0.4 Simple DNG report - LQE Scoped by Config - Project Area & Artifact Type
Good Morning (or Afternoon)
I want to produce a high level report (graph) which displays the "Project Area" and "Total no's of Artifact" by Type.
- Current Data - LQE Scoped by a Config (as my DNG Projects have Config switched on)
- Limit the scope - selected two RM Projects
- Choose an artifact - "Requirements" (as I thought at this high level I'd get the different types etc)
- Format Results - I don't get the "Project Area" as an Attribute?
So I'm confused? why if I select Multiple Projects I don't get the attribute "Project Area".
I did a similar report for Work item Types in RTC vs Project Areas - Simple?
Fariz Saracevic
FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Jun 22 '18, 7:13 a.m.Hi Matt,
Matt Muller
Jun 22 '18, 8:06 a.m.Hi Fariz,
In Report Builder - I can see the Projects "Limit the scope"
In the Choose Artifact:
If I pick "Requirements" choose an artifact >> I do not get the "Project area" attribute in the Format Results. (Attribute of = Requirement[Type:Requirement]
If I pick a sub section of Requirement example "System Requirement >> I DO get the Project Area in the default view already selected (Attribute of = System Requirement [Type: System Requirement]
I did try to test on my 6.0.6 IBM Sandbox but I get errors on that environment.
Hope that answers your question..
As I said I'm sure this is something simple... or I can only create a report for each Type or Artifact per Project Area.
I have raised a support call but was told it's Training.
So simple to do something similar for RTC - to tell me how many work items per project