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issue creating operation advisors in eclipse

Borja Prieto Pardo (111) | asked Jun 14 '18, 6:45 a.m.
edited Jun 14 '18, 4:04 p.m. by Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646)
Hello to everyone,

Recently I've been trying to follow the tutorial "Creating Custom Operation Advisors in Rational...", but I was unable to add the plug-in it mentions into my eclipse platform. I've tried to download diferent versions of both the client sdk and server sdk, but all ended up in failure. I can't find either "" or "". Did this happen to anyone else? Am I missing anything?

I am currently using rtc 6.0.5 version on a Windows 2008 server r2 standard VM.

Best regards.
Borja Prieto.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jun 14 '18, 4:09 p.m.
Most of the tutorials i have seen where too simplistic and left too much stuff open. This is not trivial work.

I can only suggest and the mentioned RTC Extensions Workshop that explains how to set up the RTC SDK and the development environment. Although that creates a follow up action/participant, an advisor is pretty much the same deal.

If you follow that you understand how to create and debug them and you have something that actually deploys. You have information how to get there. shows some code for advisors you  can look at.

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