Is it possible to get the Team Path using the Plain Java API
Hi Folks, I can get a team name using the Java Plain API:
ITeamAreaHandle resultHandle = (ITeamAreaHandle) ITeamArea.ITEM_TYPE.createItemHandle(UUID.valueOf(teamUuid), null);
ITeamArea teamArea1 = (ITeamArea) repo.itemManager().fetchCompleteItem(resultHandle, IItemManager.DEFAULT, null);
if (teamArea1 == null) {
System.out.println(teamUuid + " Team area not found.");
} else {
teamName = teamArea1.getName() ;
Is it also possible to get the path for a specific team e.g. a team with the name ccc may have a path aaa/bbb/ccc?
Accepted answer
shows an example, where you would provide the FQN such as "JKE Banking(Change Management)/Business Recovery Matters" and it would look up the area.
Another example: where the tree structure is iterated if I remember correctly.