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Bugzilla import wizard via script or java?

Susan Hanson (1.6k2201194) | asked Dec 04 '12, 12:49 a.m.
I'm doing the Bugzilla importing from the File -> Import wizard and things work okay.  However, it goes quite slowly because I must do them one bug at a time, since they are not sequential bug numbers nor do they have just a single release value.

Is there a script or java API that I can pass all the relevant data (for example, within Java, I can invoke the program via batch passing in the Bugzilla number, my username/pw, the attribute mapping.xml, etc).


2 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Dec 04 '12, 2:48 a.m.
Susan, have you tried to Plug-In-Spy (SHIFT-ALT-F1) the import wizard in Eclipse, that should give you an idea of the API it uses.

Susan Hanson commented Dec 04 '12, 3:00 a.m.

I hadn't seen that, but it does say the active wizard class is BugzillaImportWizard.  Is there a way to get a copy of the source for that class?  I see the plugin but I suspect the answer is not to hack it open.  I have never really been able to get the SDK to show up properly (or well) in my eclipse IDE.

Ralph Schoon commented Dec 04 '12, 12:37 p.m.

Susan, follow the extensions workshop Lab 1 install the SDK and then import the source from the Target. If you do this step, you see the source for BugzillaImportWizard and can search for references. You will still not see all sources, but the most important you will. If you don't do that it is just too hard to try developing against the SDK.

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Kevin Ramer (4.5k9185200) | answered Dec 04 '12, 1:18 p.m.
It is also possible to zip many work item representations into a single zip file.  I've done this with zips of several to thousands of work items.

For example here's a listing of part of one such zip:

    3367  07-09-2012 14:45   Defects/27544.xml
        0  07-09-2012 14:45   Defects/27544/
    22531  09-23-2011 02:00   Defects/27544/BUG_27544_1-BANNER.gif
    13478  09-23-2011 02:10   Defects/27544/BUG_27544_2-USER SPECIFIED.gif
     1492  07-09-2012 14:45   Defects/27589.xml
        0  07-09-2012 14:45   Defects/27589/
    21346  09-29-2011 03:01   Defects/27589/BUG_27589_Concatenation.jpg
     2179  07-09-2012 14:45   Defects/27636.xml
     3902  07-09-2012 14:45   Defects/300501.xml
     7092  07-09-2012 14:45   Defects/404434.xml
        0  07-09-2012 14:45   Defects/404434/
   357753  03-07-2007 15:40   Defects/404434/

The .xml files just under Defects will be imported as work items while directories named for the same 'ID' represent attachments.

There is a (or was) a BugzillaCommandLineClass which I used to leverage (in the v2 days) to automate work item creation upon some external event.   


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