What does it mean "Process attachment"?
I want to create a role and give it permissions to create timelines and iterations, but, I have to enable also the permission called "Modify the collection of process attachments". What does this permission mean? I've be searching for information of what a "Process attchment" is, or refers to, but I couldn't find anything.
Can someone please explain to me what this permission means???
If I enable this permission, what will the role be able to change/update on my project area?
Thanks in advance!
2 answers
I'm pretty sure the collection of process attachments are found in the Links tab when viewing the Project Configuration
I don't know any good reason to remove any of those, but one may want to add new icons. I think that that java script for work item attribute customization also lives among these attachments as are work item templates.
Thanks Kevin Ramer,
I was asking because when I add only the permissions to manage timelines and iterations, I am getting below error:
CRJAZ6053E: The project areas operation cannot be completed. "Modify collections of process attachments" permission is required to complete the operations.
I wonder why I can not grant permissions to modify timelines and iterations only... why do I have to add also the permission to modify collections of process attachments?
Permissions I am giving to the role are:
Modify structures of iterations.
Modify collections of timelines.
I hope someone can explain me why do I need also to add the permission to modigy collections of process attachments.