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JRS Report Builder - No results found

Mahari Hill (4861184230) | asked May 14 '18, 3:38 p.m.


I have an issue with some OOTB Ready-to-use reports.

1) Burndown by (either one of the 3).
I can run the Burndown birt report on some data. I can query and run a table JRS report on the data. But if I look at the same data, that is more than one or two weeks of DCC says No results found.

2)Release Burndown by (either of the 3)
Also when I try this report, I get mixed results from each project. They are usually formatted:
and I get nothing from selecting "Release" in each case.

For each timeline/iteration "a release..blah" is checked.

What causes No Results found? I have one project where Release Burndown by Story Points shows data, but the same information for Release Burndown by work item count shows No results found.



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