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How can i create a report in JRS starting with a module like BRD(Business requirement document) or FRD(Functional requirement document)?

sanjay Kushwaha (1513) | asked Dec 22 '15, 9:19 a.m.
edited Jan 11 '16, 1:47 p.m. by Paul Slauenwhite (8.4k12)
How can i create  a report in JRS(Jazz Reporting Service) starting with a module like BRD(Business requirement document) or FRD(Functional requirement document)?
I want to  create a report for requirement artifacts beginning with a module such that the report has all the requirements listed for that specific module followed by the next module with all its requirements.I am using JRS version 5.0.2 and when i create a report i get all requirements listed randomly irrespective of the module they belong to.

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Petru Acsinte (1311) | answered Jan 13 '16, 1:08 p.m.
In order to be able to report in the context of a collection (i.e. collection or module), the Requirement Collection shape needs to be made available for selection in JRS. This is not currently supported when DW is used as a datasource. It is supported for LQE but only in 6.0.1.
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