RTC diagnostic shows CRJAZ2055W missing indices warning
I am using CLM 6.0.4 iFix007.
RTC diagnostic shows the following warning:
CRJAZ2055W Some indices were missing from the database, and missing indices can negatively impact application performance. To add the missing indices, you should stop your server and execute the -rebuildIndices command in repotools.
After I ran repotools-ccm -rebuildIndices, the RTC diagnostic still shows the same CRJAZ2055W warning.
Accepted answer
One other answer
- Export the Diagnostics results using the Export Results button from https://localhost/jazz/admin#action=com.ibm.team.repository.admin.serverDiagnostics.
- Open the com.ibm.team.repository.service.diagnostics.basic.internal.DBIndexDiagnostic.txt file from the diagnostics.zip file.
- This file contains the SQL commands that can be used to add the missing indices.