Need help in makin test case execution in RQM easier.
I am a manual tester, and my team has lot of test cases to be executed in RQM. The no of testcases is quite huge some times, nearly more than 200.
And the team execute nearly 4-5 test-suits with such huge no of test cases in one cycle.
In RQM, ever step needs to be executed and then the testcases result is marked.
So, I need help in making this process easier for marking the test results for the testcases in RQM.
any automation/macro/or input from excel which will make it easier for updating the results.
2 answers
Have you tried to option to select multiple test case execution records on a plan, then on any one of the selected TCERs open the context menu, under the "Run x tests" option, select "Create result without executing".
You can do this for a batch of tests that passed, then only execute tests that failed step by step so you can mark the offending step precisely.
If you want to edit in Excel rather, then follow the instructions on running test cases offline:
Thanks Maizane for you answer.
1) The first option seems better, I need to try out. Will this impact the track records of execution.
2) The second option seems tedious. I checked the offline mode, rqms file for each and every test-case is created which needs to imported individually, update the results and then export back to RQM. For huge no. of test-cases, switching between many windows would be quite cumbersome.