Is there a recommended maximum number of Test Cases that would be associated with a Requirement?
We have Rational Doors (RDNG) 5.0 product as part of our CLM 5.0.2 suite implemnted. I have a team that has a use case where they have linked 1,034 Test Cases to a single Requirement. My support team believes this is excessive. I concur and would like to get feedback as to whether or not there is a "ceiling" for TC to Single requirement. Also, what is the "best practice" for ration of Test Cases to Requirements.
We had a situation where the DataBase Transaction log area was exhausted with 200GB without a COMMIT and it hung our DB server.
Best Regards,
One answer
Although there is no limit imposed by the products (other than the hardware/DB), one of the goals of requirements-driven testing is to minimize the number of test cases (see Your example illustrates that either the requirement is too large (possibly should be decoupled into multiple requirements in a requirement collection) and/or the test cases are too granular. I would suggest a requirement collection with smaller requirements associated to a test plan with associated test cases (1:1 or 1:few mapping of requirement:testcase(s)). This will also make requirement reconciliation more efficient.