DCC application stopped working
Hi All,
We had DCC application up and running. Now recently we have obsereved when we click on DCC application we get below error message:
Error 503: CRJAZ1173W The com.ibm.rational.datacollection.service.internal.web.IWebRedirector service is not available.
If we try and access dcc applicaton using link : https://localhost:9443/dcc/admin, the webpage gets loaded ad we can see the dcc admin screen with below error:
CRJAZ2679E The JTS version could not be determined because the JTS rootservices document at "https://llocalhost:9443/jts/rootservices" could not be fetched or does not have an about services URI.
Also we have observed that when we enter link : https://localhost:9443/dcc/admin our logged in user for CLM gets switched to deafult ADMIN user however this user was disabled during initial setup.
Enviornment details:
CLM 6.0.4
WAS 8.5.5
Database : DB2
Thank you,
Kunal Nigade