RTC delete state-content full claims list ? (SCM CLI LSCM)
I have 1600+ spurious check-ins to hard delete. I know already which IDs. But... For each one of them, how can I get the full list of claims to a content for me to decide whether I can perform --force with an "lscm.bat delete state-content" ? I didn't find solution in one of this links or else where :
- Library: Deleting Content From Source Control in Rational Team Concert
- Library: Reducing the size of the Rational Team Concert repository database
- Forum: scm command to "Permanently delete content associated to a file change
$ lscm.bat -a n -u y delete state-content _xxxxxxxxEeiFCr3IiyY7aA _xxxxxxxxEeiYzOwe080mKg --repository-uri MY_REPO
Le contenu d'¦tat "xxxxxxxx1EeiYzOwe080mKg" est r¦f¦renc¦ par 37 ¦l¦ments :
Relancez l'ex¦cution avec l'option --force pour supprimer le contenu. Lors de la suppression de ce contenu, celui-ci est ¦galement retir¦ de tous les fichiers qui le r¦f¦rencent.
Incident lors de l'ex¦cution de 'delete state-content':
Echec de la suppression du contenu.
The content is claimed by multiple items
Consultez le journal pour des d¦tails sur l'erreur dans "path...\AppData\Local\jazz-scm". Si vous avez configur¦ une journalisation personnalis¦e, consultez vos param¦tres de configuration de journal afin de d¦terminer le chemin d'acc¦s au fichier journal.
Well, I know there are 37 claims to the content, but only first 5 ones are shown. How can list all claims so I can decide if I want to procede with deletion ? The Eclipse Client plugins shows the same behaviour : display only the first five claims.
Gilles T
Gilles Tabary
Apr 23 '18, 11:49 a.m.Almost there... but ventually no help either from
Any idea ?