QP: How can I setup the lanes to automaticaly prefil some fields
I would like to create several Board, depending on Filed Against, for current iteration
I'm able to do so by filtering. But when creating a new work item I've to enter the Filed Against and the Planned for each time what is cumbersome.
In the old QP it was possible by selecting the team, and iteration was also set.
How can I do that in the new 6.0.5 QP
Thank you
2 answers
Hello Erwin, as far as I know something like this is not possible with the new Quick Planner.
I have to agree. It is counter-intuitive when you create a work item in a lane and because of your filter settings it afterwards disappears. It would make more sense if it was preset with whatever you have set in the filter.
Also the lane filter does not apply to the team progress view. No matter the settings, it just counts all the work items from the whole project area which are assigned to the iteration. Not only is the name 'team progress' misleading, it also does not provide any information of value about the lane. When I do planning I need information about my team, not all teams combined.
This is certainly a valid enhancement request. You can file it at: https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/rfe/execute?use_case=changeRequestLanding