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Import excel data to RQM

Rohini Kumar (921057) | asked Apr 23 '18, 7:13 a.m.

 After installation of RQM excel importer utility, the RQM menu under ADD-INS was found in the excel sheet successfully, but after selecting the option "Export to Repository" nothing is happening, the box to fill all the information to export is not getting displayed.

Please help me in finding what is the issue.

Thanks in advance. 

5 answers

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Monika Rajput (25612) | answered Apr 25 '18, 7:04 a.m.

 Hi Amruta,

Could you please let me know whether you are able to see the dialog when you click on option Export to File.

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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Apr 27 '18, 1:54 a.m.
edited Apr 27 '18, 1:54 a.m.

This could be what is suggested in

RQM popup does not appear in Excel or Word when clicking on a menu entry


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shubham shahu (105368) | answered Apr 27 '18, 5:47 a.m.

Hi Amruta,

To do so you have to write mapping file in notepad and then you have to import it in RQM.


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sreenath v (78680) | answered May 09 '18, 2:09 a.m.

 The installation which you done rqm excel import utility might be wrong. You should have .net framework 2 and you should use rqmexcelimport*64.exe file

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Chris Greenwalty (11) | answered Jan 13 '19, 10:57 a.m.

 The best and easy way defined by a dissertation writing service to import Date from Excel to RQM Custom field is to change the format of date in Excel.

A dateTime value passed through the excel sheet should follow a format : YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS

To get this format in CSV, Just select the column / Cell which contains the date in any format ==> Right Click and Select Format the Cells ==> and then change the format under custom section. Please refer to the below Image.
Once the date format is fixed in CSV File. Now let’s write entry for CFG file so that we can import it into RQM. The following Entry will create a custom attribute in Test Case Template and import date from Excel in that field.

testcase.customAttributes identifier=”Creation_Date”.name=” Creation Date”.type=”TIMESTAMP”.value=L

Few Points to consider :
RQM Server and Client Machine should have same time zone, otherwise there will be change in Excel sheet Time and RQM Date Field time.
If there is difference in Time Zone then you can add Timezone at the end of date format. e.g  2016-08-09T12:00:00+03:00

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