Can a custom attrobute be added at Project Area level in RTC?
2 answers
Yes you can create custom attributes. For basic functionality no addition plugin is needed .
I'm not sure what you mean by "project area level", custom attributes are defined per work item type.
Hi Piotr
Please carefully read How should I ask a question in the Forum if I want to receive useful answers?
You are asking for the implementation for a solution of an unexplained requirement. And that is the reason why you only get questions back and will never get anywhere with this question, unless you correct your question and express the business use case that is two level below your implementation idea.
Requirements are not implementation proposals.
Hi Ralph,
Let me try to rephrase my query.
We need to create a field "Department" in a Project Area (not in workitem), which should be set by the Project Area admin only. The "Categories" is a good example to refer here. We define "Categories" at Project Area level.
Also, need to create a dashboard which lists all work items created for a particular Department.
Please suggest the best approach to achieve this.
Please let me know if more information is required.
Why does a usual Enumeration not fit? You just make it overly complicated.