OSLC/REST API: Get a revision of a DNG artefact when using Configuration Management.

Hello all,
Is there a way to get a revision of a DNG artefact when querying it through REST.
I'm trying this query that either returns an HTTP 410 Gone with HTTP Header Accept: application/rdf+xml
or HTTP 403 Forbidden with error message CRRRS4142E getInternalRequestHandlerService(context) returned null. This error used to report 'The requested service requires a private header'. when using HTTP Header Accept application/x-oslc-cm-change-request+xml
Am I missing a header or a query parameter ?
Thank you for your help
One answer

I cannot reproduce what you described in my own DNG 6.0.5 iFix003a environment. As long as I add the private header, I can retrieve different revisions of the artifact using the said URL.

Hello Donald,
Well yes, I supposed that their is a private header to add.
Can I get it from somewhere ?
Is it documented ?
Am I missing something in my query ?
In any case, thank you for your help.

The private header is DoorsRP-Request-Type:"private". It usually only appears in rm.log file, so it is not widely known. It gets mentioned in some documents.
P.S. For some strange and yet unknown reason, it no longer works for me. I may try to figure it out when I have more time.
Donald Nong
Mar 26 '18, 8:56 p.m.What is the exact URL that you tried to access?
Sany Maamari
Mar 29 '18, 1:34 p.m.Hello Donald,
I'm using this URL
I'm getting it from this URL
Thank you for your help