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DOORS clients cannot connect to license server: All license files searched for features

Andrew Clement (7272473) | asked Mar 25 '18, 3:13 a.m.

I am setting up a DOORS Database server and license server on the same machine.
Remote machines accessing license server results in the following error:
License Error: All license files searched for features:
27000@ is the IP of the DOORS Database server and the license server.

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Howard Hsiao (5.5k17) | answered Mar 25 '18, 3:15 a.m.

The port used by ibmratl.exe is blocked on the license server.

You can specify the ibmratl.exe port with IBM License Key Administrator application.
And then make sure the ibmratl.exe port is open on the license server.
If ibmratl.exe port is not specified, the port will be random and it will be difficult to keep it open with firewall settings.

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