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Insight/Doors integration - Job CLM4.0.6_All DWA festival Logs

jean-claude vauthier (22634957) | asked May 06 '14, 3:53 a.m.
edited May 06 '14, 4:15 a.m. by Francesco Chiossi (5.7k11119)
When running the "RM_ODS4.0.5_DeltaLoad" to extract data from Doors it fills several festival tomcat log files with information of that kind :
INFO http-8743-66 - CRCRW90004I Next page URL for the dataset is :
  - https://jazz-server:8743/dwa-rrtranslator/publish/resources/*?nextToken=787&size=100&nolinks=true&linksonly=false&ptext=false&1399361665862
INFO http-8743-66 - CRCRW90007I Returning a datasource page containing 0 artifacts for request URL
  - https://jazz-server:8743/dwa-rrtranslator/publish/resources/*?nextToken=787&size=100&nolinks=true&linksonly=false&ptext=false&1399361665862

  It runs for minutes...(maybe for hours), nothing happen, no error.....   just filling several festival tomcat log files.  The Doors published working set is just a module with 100 requirements. I have stopped the process after half an hour.

   Is there a way to deactivate this log information which probably slow down the processing ?

Accepted answer

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Maeve OReilly (3813) | answered May 06 '14, 9:55 a.m.
I suspect it is looping and never going to complete. If it's reporting_translation_layer logs,   see APAR

You could try to stop DWA, delete \server\festival\derby\dwaDB, start DWA.  

Start a DOORS client.  Add the module to the working set.  Don't remove any. 

Or re-install/reconfigure DWA and don't remove modules from the working set.  Only add your module.  

jean-claude vauthier selected this answer as the correct answer

jean-claude vauthier commented May 06 '14, 10:20 a.m.

   I have done several tests.  Stop/Start DWA works most of the time as you said.  It is very difficult to reproduce because it is not  a systematic behavior.   Even if you don't change anything in a module or working set or mapping it could start looping.   At least we should be able to detect when looping occurs and to configure a time out.



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