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RQM: Provision to repeat test case few times

Parameswaran V (10018) | asked Mar 23 '18, 2:22 p.m.

 The use case is, during manual testing i want to repeat the same test case for 5 times.

Right now, we are doing it by adding the same test case as part of a suite and executing the suite. Doing so we execute 5 test cases - though all are simillar.

Is this the only means or are there other simpler means for repeating a test.?

Note: In case of Automated scripts - hopefully using command line, we need to write  a custom logic to repeat the same test case multiple times. please do suggest otherwise.

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Daniel Barbour (250323) | answered Mar 23 '18, 5:00 p.m.
edited Mar 23 '18, 5:22 p.m.

You might consider looking into using Test Data


At least for 'Manual Scripts' you can attaching a .csv test data file to a Test Script and by populating the content of the .csv file (the number of rows with data) you can change the number of times the script is executed.

For example - a very simple .csv to run a script 6 times would be:
"Test Run:STRING

The test results will then contain the data from each repetition (example in the screen shot below - unless this gets edited away to save forum space)
"Interestingly" I could not find a way to remove the test data from a Test Script once it was attached (I'm on RQM 6.0.5 with iFix002).  Fortunately I tried this in a project on a 'throw away' VM snapshot.  Deleting the Test Data itself was possible - but not the association in the test script.  Once the Test Data item was deleted the test script still ran as it did before with no test data attached (i.e. 1 time) so it didn't harm anything...but annoying nonetheless (just something to be aware of).

Parameswaran V selected this answer as the correct answer

Parameswaran V commented Jul 17 '18, 1:44 p.m.

Thank you Daniel. It worked this way very well - and this is a lot simpler for managing tests than what i did in past.

Also, the  issue that you mentioned at the fag end is not seen in the current version that i am using in (6.0.6). Probably got fixed in meanwhile i guess.


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