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Children WI on dashboard

Matthew More (40313) | asked Mar 08 '18, 2:46 a.m.

 Hi All.

Im trying to find some report which can be add on project dashboard ( CCM module ) which is showing open WI and WI which are set as children to them. Is there any build widget which can be use for it?

We are using 6.0.2 with iFix014

Many thanks for advice 

3 answers

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Matt Muller (59813674) | answered Mar 08 '18, 3:21 a.m.


Good morning - I normally use the Plan View Widget - So I setup a specific Plan view which contains the details (simple set of columns so it works ok on the Dashboard)

The plan view widget is only visible on the dashboard you can't edit the plan etc.

Just my preferred option.

Good luck


Matthew More commented Mar 08 '18, 3:28 a.m.

Thanks Matt, the problem is that we are using WI not Plans in this project I know what you mean because we use it in Plans projects.

My searching is to find report/widget which is show open WI including for example below children WI to them 

Matt Muller commented Mar 08 '18, 3:43 a.m. | edited Mar 08 '18, 3:44 a.m.


ok no problem -  The plan would only be used to drive the widget (rather than anything else).  You can configure the plan to Exclude content however sounds like you maybe into JRS for a report.

> It's the easiest way I've found... 

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Steve Mills (5111) | answered Mar 08 '18, 12:01 p.m.

While not available on the dashboard, running the query in the eclipse client gives you the "relationship" view to show links.  Our scrum masters love this feature and gives you exactly the data you are looking for - just not in a dashboard.  Maybe everyone already knows this. (I don't have enough reputation points to upload an image of where to set this and what it looks like).

Otherwise, as Matt M commented, to have this on a dashboard I think you are into JRS (or BIRT).

Mahari Hill commented Mar 20 '18, 10:51 p.m.


I am looking at work items in Eclipse. Where is this Relationship view. I have parent and child work items and don't see anything stand out.

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Steve Mills (5111) | answered Mar 21 '18, 8:16 a.m.
edited Mar 21 '18, 8:19 a.m.

After executing the query, you will see your results in a tab called workitems. The "View Menu" will be the 3rd item from the right (a down arrow looking thing). The relationship option is there. (Trying to Paste instead of attach the image this time - funny, I see the image when editing this text but not when viewing the thread.... sorry)

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