RDNG Client extension in 6.0.2 sample issues related to war file deployment

I downloaded the extensions.zip from the https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/RMExtensionsExamples602
Tried deploying the war file as /Extension in WAS, by creating the war through JDK using command " jar -cvf MyExtensions.war *." for the sample extension available at https://jazz.net/wiki/pub/Main/RMExtensionsExamples602/extensions.zip.
Tried launching the Extension through https://<CLMapplicationserver>:9443/Extension/WidgetCatalog.xml, but getting Error 404: java.io.FileNotFoundException: SRVE0190E: File not found: /WidgetCatalog.xml
One answer

Did you follow the instructions here?
https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/RMExtensionsHostingGuide602 (WAS at the bottom)

Yes, followed the steps as mentioned in the section " Hosting extensions on WebSphere Application Server"

Just verified that the instructions are indeed correct. That's what I have done:
1. Extract the extensions.zip file.
2. In the extracted folder, create a file WEB-INF/web.xml as instructed in the document.
3. In the extracted folder, run the command "jar -cvf MyExtensions.war *".
4. Deploy the new .war file in WAS, giving the context root as "/extensions".
5. Start the web application.
6. Access the catalog as "/extensions/WidgetCatalog.xml".