Link type "Satisfied by/satisfies" in RDNG
Accepted answer
Assume you have created both projects from a out-of-the-box project template and adapted those for your own use, and from there got the Satisfaction link type.
If you look at the Manage Project Properties > Link Types tab of your two project areas, you will see that Satisfies/Satisfied by are not system defined link types with RDF URIs. Think if you add the RDF URI to the link type definition (for example "http://mydomain/xmlns/rm/types/satisfaction") for both project areas, the DNG application recognizes the same link type on both sides and let you create it as cross project link.
2 other answers
If there are Two project area namely Avionics Requirement and Avionics Test Description, I would like to create link between requirements of project area Avionics Requirement and requirements of Avionics Test Description Project Area using the link type Satisfied by/satisfies but the Project combo box is disabled for selection but for link to/from and others it is enabled. The users is having administrator process role for both the project area. Why the project option is disabled, if the link type satisfied by/satisfies is selected?
Bas Bekker
JAZZ DEVELOPER Jun 16 '17, 11:23 a.m.Please provide details on your issue or what you are looking for.
And use punctuation!