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Workitems missing in sub iteration plans

vinay kumar bondugula (7322972) | asked Mar 02 '18, 8:16 a.m.
edited Mar 02 '18, 8:59 a.m. by Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646)


We have created an iteration and sub iterations and created workitems planning for the respective iterations and sub iterations. But few workitems planned for the sub iteration are missing under the plans. We have also verified the exclude and did not see any restrictions in displaying the workitems. We are facing this issue with both users and Jazzadmins. Please let us know how to address this issue and make all workitems available under the respective plans.


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Matt Muller (59813674) | answered Mar 05 '18, 2:47 a.m.


Depending on which version you are using I've seen some of the options in the plan view exclude items from Sub Iterations.  Thought it would be worth you checking:

In the plan view in V6 you have two tick boxes - Fetch Children On Demand and Include All Items

Specifically - "Include All Items" - Includes execution items from sub-teams and past iterations.

Other than that depending on the Filed Against / Owner and checking any Category Restrictions you have applied ...

Hope this helps.


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