Why is the Rational Team Concert 6.0.3 Shell crashing?
I have this user using the RTC Shell 6.0.3 which keeps on crashing with the error below. This is triggered when first doing a repository connection. Any idea? The build is I6.0.3_20161028-1503. I'm not sure if there are any iFixes and if so where do I find it? Not even sure that's an option for the Shell through Installation Manager.
2 answers
The stack trace does not contain any RTC codes (the class should start with com.ibm.team), so it looks more like an Eclipse RCP issue. The root cause (based on the stack trace) is:
java.lang.VerifyError: JVMVRFY012 stack shape inconsistent; class=org/eclipse/osgi/internal/resolver/StateImpl, method<clinit>()V, pc=9
You can see the below document for the meaning of the error.
I can't tell you exactly what happened. Maybe you can try to reinstall the application.