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How do I separate out a set of ID numbers for certain work item categories?

I have within the RTC section of my CLM installation several work item types - Task, Deployment (an extension of Task), Defect, Story, Epic. With heavy usage on all sides it has come to the point that Defect 4321 may be implements in Deployment 4231 and this has become confusing.
Accepted answer

In RTC this is not supported, and because you can change the type of a work item, doesn't really make sense. Once you changed the type of a work item, it's ID would no longer be in the "right" range.

That is a big headache for people, trying to use the tool as a comprehensive SDLC tool. The system generated ID should be unique for each item and hidden except to the admin view, but the ID being used as a tracker visible the end-user should be manageable by the admins.
Feb 23 '18, 11:09 a.m.I used to be able to do it in ClearQuest many years ago, unfortunately I don't remember how I did it. Don't have my notes from that far back. :-(
Donald Nong
Mar 02 '18, 12:21 a.m.I don't think you can do this in ClearQuest either. You can allocate an ID block in a ClearQuest MultiSite environment, and the block is for a site, not for a type. You can always create a custom attribute for this purpose if you really want to.
Mar 06 '18, 3:52 p.m.I explained this before. It was a custom field that incremented the number every with a prefix e.g. IN2901 --> IN2902 --> IN2903... every time a new Incident occurred. While Defects had numbers like DF1234 --> DF1235 --> DF1236...
Mar 06 '18, 3:56 p.m.I explained this before. It was a custom field with a prefix that incremented the number every item of that type created e.g. IN2901 --> IN2902 --> IN2903... every time a new Incident occurred. While Defects had numbers like DF1234 --> DF1235 --> DF1236...
Donald Nong
Mar 06 '18, 6:58 p.m.Do you happen to use a hook and within it read a database element such as an Oracle sequence to generate the unique number? If so, you have to develop an RTC extension (using Java) to do something equivalent.
Mar 07 '18, 1:12 p.m.Unfortunately it has been about 10 years since I last administered CQ. I don't remember.