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How to Extract a Process Templates in WEB UI from Existing Project Area CLM 6.0.4

David Beange (111364101) | asked Feb 21 '18, 6:24 a.m.
edited Feb 21 '18, 6:26 a.m.

For CLM 6.0.4 in our RQM project we have now updated the process configuration and wish to extract this to reuse as the base for all furture RQM project area creation.

We are not using Shared process with a Master project.

Is there an option to extract the process using the WEB UI in place of using the eclipse client that then enables us to import that extracted process as a new Process Template?

In Web (both FF an IE) if we view the list of Active Project Areas there are no options under "Actions" for extract.

We are trying this as a JazzAdmins user.


Accepted answer

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Parveen Patel (771427) | answered Feb 21 '18, 7:02 a.m.

 Yes, we have option to extract Process template from Web UI.

Steps are as given below:

1. Open Project area from which you want to extract process template
2. Click on Manage Project area
3. At left side you can see option to extract project area process template

It will extract process on zip format which you can import for further use.

David Beange selected this answer as the correct answer

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