Problems after implementing TLS1.2
After implementing TLS1.2 on WebSphere Application Server we are no longer able to connect the RQM adapter to RQM from RFT.
In the SystemOut.log the following issue seen:
[9/9/16 13:27:36:931 EDT] 00000157 SSLHandshakeE E SSLC0008E: Unable to initialize SSL connection. Unauthorized access was denied or security settings have expired. Exception is Client requested protocol TLSv1 not enabled or not supported
In the adapter.log
08:14:10,989 [main] DEBUG - ++++ RQMConnectionHelper: login:
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3 answers
We have seen a similar issue but with the RQM command line adapter, what we can do for the RFT adapter is to modify the startadapters.bat and configureadapters.bat and include to both of the batch files.
Example for the startupadapter.bat:
start "" %RFT_ARG_JRE% -classpath %RFT_INSTALL_DIR%\rational_ft.jar com.rational.test.ft.RQMAdapterLauncher %*
Example for the configureadapter.bat:
start "" %RFT_ARG_JRE% -Dlog4j.configuration=file:./ -classpath %RFT_INSTALL_DIR%\rational_ft.jar com.rational.test.ft.RQMAdapterConfigure %*
This should allow the adapter to connect to RQM
Successfully created an HTTP client
Security consideration: Adapters enable you to run programs remotely. When you use adapters, ensure that you run them by using a restricted user account that has access to only the required resources.
Attempting to create protocol context using system property: TLSv1.2
The adapter is now connected
Resolved project area name "RQM-RTC-Build(QM)" to project area alias "RQM-RTC-Build%28QM%29".
"Created Commandline Adapter"