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Changes are not reflecting in RTC for SQL file deletion

Tanmay Shirnalkar (1531319) | asked Dec 04 '15, 10:14 a.m.
Hi All

I'm using RTC 4.0.3 Eclipse IDE and have certain.sql files in one of my components, I want to delete a one unneccessary .sql file from there and want to deliver my changes to stream.

But, when I delete the file from my local workspace and try all refresh options in my Pending Changes View, but it nothing shows in there, no changes are getting reflected. If I delete a different sql file from the same list, the changes are reflecting properly. Issue seems to be with same file only.

I have even tried to switch workspaces, disconnect and reload it again as mentioned in
but no luck.

Can anyone please suggest me something on this, as this is really critical issue for me.

Thanks in advance !!

One answer

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Dec 06 '15, 11:12 p.m.
There must be some differences between the .sql file in question and the other .sql files. Based on your description alone, it's impossible to tell. If the issue is critical, you should contact Support.

Tanmay Shirnalkar commented Dec 17 '15, 7:31 a.m.

Thanks Donald, for you advise !

I have done the same and issue got resolved after removing the root folder without unwanted file. The changes were reflected correctly in pending changes view. Not sure on the root cause of these issue, but issue has been fixed temporarily.

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