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Blank browser window opens in RTC client when opening the Operation history of a stream

Venkatesh R (1528) | asked Dec 04 '17, 7:50 a.m.

Am trying to open the operation history of the stream by selecting show> operation history by right clicking on the stream. But a browser window opens within the client trying to access a URL almserver/ccm/scm/ShowWorkspaceHistory#workspaceId=someRandomId. Nothing loads in this page nor does the history view of the client. How do I fix this issue?

RTC version : 6.0.4

Ulf Arne Bister commented Dec 07 '17, 4:11 p.m.

 Since you said "browser window within the client" I am assuming you are using either Eclipse or MSVS client? What operating system? Is your browser able to access RTC on that client in general? If Eclipse, try Preferences -> General -> Browser and switch to "external browser" and "default system browser"

3 answers

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Nigel Bradley (414) | answered Jan 29 '19, 6:20 a.m.

I have seen this same issue, for one user the link opens in a web browser (internal or external), the operation history is not shown in Eclipse History view, for another user with the same browser preference, the history view opens with the operation history.  From what I can see, the two users have an identical setup, but there must be some preference which is different.  Is there a fix for this issue?

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David Lafreniere (4.8k7) | answered Jan 29 '19, 11:58 a.m.
edited Jan 29 '19, 12:00 p.m.
It's hard to say what exactly is going on (with out further information), but normally for Windows users, it will use IE as the embedded browser. Perhaps that user specifically removed IE from the computer (try re-installing IE).
As a workaround though, you can have this view open up in an external browser of your choice (vs using the embedded one in Eclipse). See the preference under "Team" --> "Jazz Source Control" --> and the "History Graph" group. It's always recommended to use the embedded one in the rich client though, as this allows the ability to use context menu actions (such as opening a selection of change sets in the Change Explorer view).

As another test, open up the view that comes with Eclipse called "Internal Web Browser" and try to go to some web pages (including the URL that represents the Operation History View.. if this view doesn't work at all, it at least suggests there is no issue on the RTC code side... and it's an issue with Eclipse trying to use the embedded IE browser.

(Please add as a comment any relevant results of your tests...)

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Nigel Bradley (414) | answered Apr 29 '19, 6:11 a.m.
This issue can be caused by the case of the Jazz Repository Connection URI configured in Eclipse.
For example, if the repository connection is "" operation history works okay
However, if instead a user enters "" for the URI (note the difference is the case of the first "R" in "rational") then most RTC functionality works correctly, however operational history does not work, instead of opening the operation history in a history view, it opens a web page and Eclipse shows a progress bar "Fetching operation history" which is stuck at 0%.

To workaround the issue:
In Eclipse Team Artifacts view, in Repository Connections, select the repository connection with the issue, Right-Click and select Properties.
In Properties for the repository connection, Open Jazz Repository Connection property, and check the URI has been entered with the correct case.  If it has not been entered with precisely the correct case, then create a completely new Eclipse Client workspace and setup a connection to the server with the correct case (note that just modifying the case within the existing workspace may cause unexpected results, the easiest approach is to create a new workspace and delete the previous one).

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