RAM migration from to - Problems DB for ramjts
Hi all,
I've run the upgrade procedure for RAM, from version to
After the Installation Manager update, during the ram.setup, at the Database Configuration Step, I have encountered problems about the DB migration of RAMJTS.
All 3 DB in were in DB2, and all connection checks were gone fine.
The migration failed, and, in the log, I've understood that, only for RAMJTS, it was created a new DERBY DB (I've not asked this), while for the RAMCCM, the addTable procedure has gone fine on the DB2.
Why it was created a new DERBY DB? How can recover this behaviour and go on with the run.setup?
I've seen that the teamserver.properties into the folder V407 (the start version of JTS and CCM) is the original one, with the right DB2 configuration.
Instead, into the V502 and V601 folder, the RAMJTS teamserver.properties file is another one, with a DERBY configuration. The RAMCCM teamserver.properties files in all versions are instead good, with the right DB2 configuration.
Please, can someone help me?
Many thanks in advance
2 answers
Hi Rahul,
many thanks.
I've resolved: I've put into the V502 and V601 folder, the RAMJTS teamserver.properties of V407, and then I've run manually repotools-ramjts -addTable for V502 and repotools-ramjts -addTables and repotools-ramccm -addTables for V601.
So, the ram.setup could go on.