DB2 database error during CLM 6.0.4 setup
CLM 6.0.4 - installed on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.4
3 answers
Hi Narayaran,
This is apparently a connection problem in DB2, not application side. Verify the "User response" as below
If problem persists, please contact DB2 support or DB2 forum. It will be easier for them to answer if you can provide db2diag.log and/or 'db2support' data.
Thanks for your help Kenji and Anthony. I had created a PMR with Rational support. It was transferred to DB2 support. DB2 support asked me to run db2support command and upload zip file. They looked into it and found below entries in DB2 administration notification log db2diag.log:
Good job Narayanan.
Setting up a system like CLM is a non-trivial exercise and every single layer of the solution needs to be carefully looked at to determine that the minimum requirements are met. In this case the OS config needed attention and that the IPC (Inter Process Communication) kernel parameter were sized correctly.
You may need to consider if these are sufficient for your system as it grows, and other applications are added to it.
Good luck and all the best.
Hi Narayaran,
In addition to Kenji's recommendation, you may want to double check your Linux's server configuration when compared with the CLM requirements: