Unable to login to RQM due to permission denied errors.
When trying to login to RQM, we are seeing the following error message:
You have successfully logged into Jazz Team Server but you are not authorized to access Rational Quality Manager.
Return to the Log in screen.
Reviewing the qm.log file, I noticed that the log file was flooded with the following error message:
2017-09-21 08:38:58,308 [qm: AsynchronousTaskRunner-0 @@ 08:38] WARN
ity.discovery.internal.CompatibilityFriendsService - Unable to update remote friends, so using the last fetched state
com.ibm.team.repository.service.compatibility.util.http.CrossServerHttpClient$RestCommunicationException: Forbidden
One answer
This behavior that can cause this is when:
-The functional user did not have an internal license assigned.
-The functional user was archived.
Looking in jts/admin it was noticed that the qm_user had been archived.
un-archiving the qm_user user account, users are now able to login to RQM with no problems.