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Copy-Paste phenomenon in RQM Manual Test Script editor

Gabor Federics (34718) | asked Oct 04 '17, 7:55 a.m.
edited Oct 04 '17, 7:56 a.m.

Hi All

Time to time we are facing a not reproducible phenomenon in the RQM manual test script editor.

When the user copies part of a text (with CTRL+C) from a test step and pastes it in an other test step (with CTRL+V), the copied text will be inserted 2x, 3x, or even 4 times.

In some other cases the copied text will be pasted with a simple mouseclick (i.e. without CTRL+V) everywhere where the user clicks in the editor.

Unfortunately we cannot reproduce this fault.

Has anyone in this forum had similar experience?

We use currently 6.0.3 iFix006

Thanks and best regards

One answer

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Lam To (216) | answered Oct 20 '17, 12:48 p.m.

 If this issue is consistently reproducible, please open a defect against RQM. Also you can try using the right mouse menu on the selected content to copy and paste. You can also use the step's menu to copy the entire step and paste the step in any position in the script, or even in other opened manual script.

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