How to remove the font-styling from DNG using a RPE template?

Hi all,
We've created a RPE template that generates a document with the desired content. However we cannot control the font styling, even-though we've defined the desired font styling within the template. We're running the template from within DNG (open Module, click "Generate a document-style report for this view", select our own customized RPE template, select MS Word output format, etc.).
In the RPE template we're using the "dataSource/artifact/content/text/richTextBody/div"-entry and have noticed (using Postman/Poster entering URI: https://<our server>:9443/rm/publish/text?moduleURI=<module uri>) that some of the DNG requirement content has styling defined in the body/description of the requirement. This seems to cause our problem.
How can we remove this font-style formatting (but keeping the bullit lists, etc.) so the RPE template defined styling is applied?
Accepted answer

You can process the XHTML through JavaScript by Script Expression (instaed of Data Expression) with XHTML Input and XHTML Output options checked.