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Sorting of work items status in ascending or descending order not working properly in RTC version 5.0.1

madhu sudana (31118) | asked Sep 07 '17, 5:11 a.m.

When we sorting the defect work item for status option ( like Open, Closed, New, Cancel etc)  in descending order it should display "Cancel,Closed,Open, New" etc as per the example. But in our environment it is not taking properly. We are using the RTC version 5.0.1. Does someone help on this. However it is customized states we using. Not sure what could be the cause, if anyone has any information related to this, please share.

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Neeraj Malik (23120) | answered Oct 29 '20, 3:57 a.m.

 Hi madhu,

any workaround you got we are also experiencing similar issue with custom status?

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