Problem in Installing and Deploying CLM applications to WAS
I am trying to deploy CLM applications on a newly installed WAS I already have a separate installation for Jazz Team server with liberty. I want to deploy the applications from liberty to websphere. For this I am using the jython scripts in the JTS server directory like the clm_was_config and
For I am passing the path of the folder containing the application war files.
I could successfully execute both the scripts and install the applications on the websphere.
However, when I login to the websphere admin console and I try to start the applications, from the Applications>Application Types>Websphere Enterprise Application,on clicking the application the process goes in a loop and the applications cannot be started.
Note: I also tried stopping the WAS but this also does not get completed. So on forcefully killing the server process while starting it again I get the error that the Server cannot be initialized.
Any workaround or suggestions as in how to do this?
Thanks in advance.
Alan Sampson
JAZZ DEVELOPER Aug 30 '17, 11:56 a.m.Caution:
If you are installing CLM 6.0.4 or greater then WebSphere will need to be at version with Java 7.1 as a minimum (IBM would recommend installing the latest WAS fixpack).
See for more details.
Nikhil Khaladkar
Aug 31 '17, 10:22 a.m.Thanks Alan, I did upgrade my WAS to, this did solve that issue and now I can start the applications.