Is there an Installation guide/instructions for distributed CLM installation
Currently we are working on distributed CLM installation. We have installed JTS,CCM,QM,RM,DCC and RS on one server(server1). Now wants to move DCC and RS to separate server(server2).
For this, we have uninstalled DCC and RS from server1 and installed both in server2 with new WAS profile. We are running only one HTTP server (I.e., in server1) and using same for the server2 to connect with server1 applications. So that to run all applications with one common public URL format.
But, when we try to merge the plugins from both servers, we have ended up with the same port numbers in both server's plugins(The port numbers are 9443,9080,443,80 : Since we are installing for the first time in respective servers(I mean these are the first instances in their respective servers), we got the same port numbers.
So now, shall we proceed with same port numbers or do we need to change these ports ? if yes, how to proceed for this?
Is there any particular or standard installation guides/instructions for this distributed installation ? How many ways are there to do this distributed installation considering the probable combinations of using WAS and HTTP servers ?
One answer
if you use the interactive guide for installation you can indicate you are installing distributed and you will receive instructions on how to set up.The standard 6.x topologies indicate how and what to set up in a distributed setup.
The important part to move DCC and RS out of the current single server topology is to uninstall / unregister, then install on new server (new WAS profile), get that WAS profile correctly reverse proxied by the http server and then register DCC and RS app to the old JTS server.
The hard part is the WAS / http server proxy stuff. Here are some instructions for distributed setup:
If these links provide helpful material please mark the answer as accepted,
- Arne