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HTML custom attribute support
3 answers

On 2008-01-16 10:48:02 +0100,
jakub.jurkiewicz@pl.ibm-dot-com.no-spam.invalid (jjurkiewicz) said:
Andre, do you know if there is any work Item to track this?
kind regards,
I've created Enhancement 41806
jakub.jurkiewicz@pl.ibm-dot-com.no-spam.invalid (jjurkiewicz) said:
On 2007-12-27 18:27:57 +0100, lngooi@us.ibm-dot-com.no-spam.invalid
(lngooi) said:
Other than the bold and italics tags, are other HTML tags supported
such as table?
No, not yet.
Andre, do you know if there is any work Item to track this?
kind regards,
I've created Enhancement 41806