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Work Item Default "Filed Against" Field

Chris Barlock (18814738) | asked Feb 23 '11, 11:25 a.m.
With RTC 2.0, is there a way to change the default value for the Filed Against field of a work item? I found where I can make it optional or required (Process Configuration > Team Configuration > Operation Behavior), but that is not what I want to change. We want it required, but ideally the user would be forced to select the value. Second best would be to change the default (which is the first alphabetical work item category).

(If I can't do this in 2.0, can I in 3.0?)


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Chris Barlock (18814738) | answered Feb 23 '11, 12:13 p.m.
More info: We are using the rich client and usually open a new work item in the context of an existing story or task. I just tried this against a story that is field against "Harry" (names changed to protect the project details). The new work item defaults to filed against "Adam" (first alphabetical work item category).

Our RTC admin opened one using the web client, I think, by doing File > New > Work Item and it opened with filed against Unassigned. When he tried to save it, he got an error -- which is the behavior we want in the rich client.


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