Is the RDF URI required to copy artifacts between project areas in RDNG

I am trying to copy artifacts that are the same type, with the same attributes, which have the same attribute types from one project area to another in RDNG. I am receiving an error message that states. "The target project area does not contain a matching artifact type for this artifact." As I said the two project areas were created from the same project template and have the same attributes, attribute types, and attribute data types. In reading the note that pops up when attempting to copy the artifacts, it also mentions that the RDF URI's have to be the same. In this case they are the same, because they are both blank. Is a non-blank, identical value for RDF URI required to copy artifacts between project areas?
5 answers

Yes. The same (non-blank) URIs. That's how the system knows when the types in two project areas are really the same.

Thanks for the prompt response, Daniel.

Thanks for the prompt response, Daniel.