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How to Make memory free available for CCM,QM and DW database DB2

Kim N (1113) | asked Aug 22 '17, 12:39 p.m.

 Hi All,

I have a scenario where my server (file system memory) is full for database server. Now I need to free some memory on the server by deleting unwanted stuff from the server. What are different things that can be deleted from the CCM,QM and DW database to make some free memory available.

I am using DB2 as database.

Kim N

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Kevin Ramer (4.5k9186201) | answered Aug 22 '17, 4:04 p.m.

To my knowledge, no documentation about the database structure is published, so I doubt anyone can/will answer about things that can be deleted from databases.  It is possible that RTC build results can be configured to prune "themselves", but unless your databases were created with V9.7 ( I think ) of DB2, one cannot reclaim storage by altering tablespaces to reduce the highwater mark.  

If your Jazz and DB2 are co-located on the same machine here are things you probably could prune:

Under the DB2 instance files in ~/sqllib/db2dump can become large.   It is possible to configure your DB2 instance to create new diag log at some given size ( DBM Configuration DIAGSIZE ).

Also if databases are configured for on-line backup (LOGARCHMETH1 is set ) and that setting contains DISK:  and you are performing periodic backup ( hopefully also getting the backup stored elsewhere ) it is ok to remove old log files based on their age and the log associated with the oldest backup file you have.

Under the Jazz side, things like your J2EE log files ( e.g.  ~/tomcat/logs ) or for WebSphere older files under the logs directory.   WebSphere can "roll" log files based on size or days ( as can log4j ).   RTC, etc also write log files and using log4j directive you can have new files created and then the older ones can be removed w/o concern.


   File Appender             

log4j.appender.file.File=/rtclogs/rtcserver2/jazz.log    #  this will be specific to you
log4j.appender.file.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ISO8601} [%30t] %5p %-50.50c  -%m%n

will create a new file each week.  The MaxBackupIndex doesn't work :-( but it's easier to deal with lots of small files than 1 enormous one.

Things to NOT delete:   any data associated with any of the index locations for RTC, RQM, etc.

You don't mention your operating system.   It may be possible ( should you be so fortunate as to have a SAN device providing storage ) to increase the size of the volume.

Kim N commented Aug 24 '17, 1:44 a.m.

 Thanks for the reply Kevin.

Could you please let me know how do I find out what is consuming more memory in database and is it okay to delete unused stuff from the database that is consuming memory. I am using DB2 database and its on RHEL OS.

Thanks in Advance.

Kevin Ramer commented Aug 24 '17, 8:36 a.m.

As I mentioned, what is in any of the CLM databases is "off limits".  The schema is not documented and trying to prune data could make a database unuseable.   You can use the du utility do find what directories in your filesystem are using the most storage.  However, only the locations mentioned earlier  should be examined for excess.

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