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Update the RQM database from JUnit Selenium

Elenilson Chiarapa (1318) | asked Jun 08 '18, 1:25 p.m.
Hello folks,

Is it possible to update the RQM database, from the execution of test cases (+ test script) by JUnit Selenium?

It would be like an inverse process when running an automated test script in RQM, of type JUnit Selenium.

Best Regards,
Chiarapa, Elenilson.

One answer

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Mehul Patel (9695) | answered Jun 12 '18, 1:36 a.m.


Yes it's very much possible, you can create your JUnit Selenium test to execute RQM testcase (like any other automation task you would do) and run this using the RQM JUnit Selenium test (like any other JUnit test you would run). Do let me know if you are facing any problem.


Elenilson Chiarapa commented Jun 12 '18, 2:25 p.m.

I think I did not express myself well.
The starting point will be to run an automated script by JUnit Selenium. 
After the execution, by the same Selenium, would it be possible to automatically update the RQM database?

I understand that I would need to create an "adapter" or a program that would stay on the server and would be called to perform such an update. Right?


Mehul Patel commented Jun 13 '18, 5:48 a.m.


oh ok, I got it now. yes, you need some means to create/update this execution result on RQM. Supported RQM REST API could be helpful here.


Elenilson Chiarapa commented Jun 13 '18, 9:13 a.m.


Yes, I was reading about this option.
I've checked two options that I think might help:
1 - Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) Quality Management (QM) Version 2 API
2 - IBM® Rational® Quality Manager Reportable REST API

Thank you so much,


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